Academic Association of Economic Psychology (Akademickie Stowarzyszenie Psychologii Ekonomicznej, ASPE): 

  • is a scientific organisation bringing together researchers pursuing such areas as economic psychology, behavioural economics, experimental economics, behavioural finance, organisational psychology.
  • Members of ASPE include also industry practitioners: managers, financial analysts, market researchers or advertising experts.

The association was established in 2008 on the initiative of Prof. Tadeusz Tyszka and his research associates. Prof. Tyszka was elected the first chair of ASPE.

ASPE’s main objectives include:

  • popularising the application of psychology in economics, especially in business, advertising, marketing, public relations, and human resources management,
  • acting to support the transfer of the latest achievements in the area of economic psychology to the domain of economy. 

These objectives are pursued by conducting scientific research as well as promoting and supporting scientific initiatives taken in the area of broadly defined economic psychology.