Basic information

WZ SWPS University in Katowice 
Academic Association of Economic Psychology 
invite you to the anniversary
X Conference of Economic Psychology, 
12-13 May 2016
at the seat of the SWPS Local Division in Katowice at ul. Technicians 9
The theme of the conference will traditionally cover the following topics:
  • Psychology of economic behaviour
  • Experimental economics
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Decisions and risk perception
  • Psychology of Money
  • Behavioral finance
  • Social responsibility in economic behaviour
  • Economic socialisation

Invited guests will give lectures at the ASPE conference:

  • The European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services By Elżbieta Bieńkowska
  • Dr. hab. Michał Wierzchoń (Institute of Psychology at Jagielońskiego University, Department of Experimental Psychology, Consciousness Lab – c-lab)
We invite both economic psychologists and behavioral economists as well as all who do not call themselves economic psychologists or behavioral economists, but deal with the theme "from the borderlands" eg. social psychology and related areas.